Tasks Report

Patient Details:

Patient Name: Qusai Abukhater

Patient DOB: 19/09/2011

Patient Age: 12 Years and 5 Months

Patient Father Contact No. : +966509699231

Data Entries
Details Notes Nurse Date Time
Movicol Given Emdalyn Villareal 06:28:53 PM 26-02-2024
Hydrocortisone Given Emdalyn Villareal 06:28:43 PM 26-02-2024
Mct oil Done Emdalyn Villareal 06:28:33 PM 26-02-2024
Acetylcystein Nebulization Given Emdalyn Villareal 06:28:22 PM 26-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT Done Emdalyn Villareal 06:17:11 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 05:45:46 PM 26-02-2024
Tracheostomy tube change Done Emdalyn Villareal 05:45:38 PM 26-02-2024
3% nebulization Given Emdalyn Villareal 04:57:54 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:54:08 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:22:26 PM 26-02-2024
Eye drops Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:22:19 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:59:54 PM 26-02-2024
Change position Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:38:53 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Given Emdalyn Villareal 03:38:38 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:04:24 PM 26-02-2024
Peep decrease t0 5 Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:04:11 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 02:12:11 PM 26-02-2024
Eye drops Done Emdalyn Villareal 02:12:00 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 01:56:14 PM 26-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT Done Emdalyn Villareal 01:56:05 PM 26-02-2024
Psupp cmH20 decrease to 8 Done @1:50pm Emdalyn Villareal 01:55:54 PM 26-02-2024
Suction Done Arya Abhi 12:14:49 PM 26-02-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 12:14:29 PM 26-02-2024
Mct oil Given Arya Abhi 12:14:00 PM 26-02-2024
Potassium choride Given Arya Abhi 12:13:39 PM 26-02-2024