Tasks Report

Patient Details:

Patient Name: Qusai Abukhater

Patient DOB: 19/09/2011

Patient Age: 12 Years and 5 Months

Patient Father Contact No. : +966509699231

Data Entries
Details Notes Nurse Date Time
2:30 pm feeding of mix vegetables and jamieson magnesium Given Emdalyn Villareal 02:51:12 PM 24-02-2024
2:15 pm Suction ,tracheostomy tube ,and mouth then we change his diaper he poops done perineal care and change also the positon from rigthside to supine position we wipe also his body to lower the temperature Done Emdalyn Villareal 02:48:25 PM 24-02-2024
2 drops per eyes (hyfresh eye gel) at 2:00pm Done Emdalyn Villareal 02:04:18 PM 24-02-2024
Termovent stop at 1:45pm Emdalyn Villareal 01:48:08 PM 24-02-2024
Amantadine 100mg at 1:45 pm Done Emdalyn Villareal 01:43:06 PM 24-02-2024
Termovent started at 1.15pm Done Arya Abhi 01:17:47 PM 24-02-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization+Acetacystin nebulization Given Arya Abhi 12:01:26 PM 24-02-2024
MCT oil 1ml Given Arya Abhi 12:01:00 PM 24-02-2024
Potassium choride Given Arya Abhi 12:00:24 PM 24-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT 2 at 9 am Done Arya Abhi 10:59:38 AM 24-02-2024
Dr.shadha Round finish Done Arya Abhi 10:59:19 AM 24-02-2024
Suction done Done Arya Abhi 09:49:39 AM 24-02-2024
Position Change Done Arya Abhi 09:49:00 AM 24-02-2024
Eye drops Given Arya Abhi 08:08:48 AM 24-02-2024
Vidrop Done Arya Abhi 08:08:31 AM 24-02-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 08:08:19 AM 24-02-2024
Eye drops Given Arya Abhi 06:12:49 AM 24-02-2024
Feeding Given Arya Abhi 06:12:39 AM 24-02-2024
Position Change Done Arya Abhi 06:12:26 AM 24-02-2024
Movicol Given Arya Abhi 06:11:54 AM 24-02-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization+Acetacystin nebulization Given Arya Abhi 06:11:38 AM 24-02-2024
Jamieson magnesium Given Arya Abhi 06:11:12 AM 24-02-2024
Mct oil Given Arya Abhi 06:11:00 AM 24-02-2024
Neurobion tab 1 Given Arya Abhi 06:10:27 AM 24-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT 1 5 am Done Arya Abhi 06:10:12 AM 24-02-2024