Tasks Report

Patient Details:

Patient Name: Qusai Abukhater

Patient DOB: 19/09/2011

Patient Age: 12 Years and 5 Months

Patient Father Contact No. : +966509699231

Data Entries
Details Notes Nurse Date Time
Fio2 change to 50 Because spo2 is going low .By dr.saed Emdalyn Villareal 04:21:59 PM 05-03-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:20:07 PM 05-03-2024
Feeding change Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:19:57 PM 05-03-2024
Change position Done Emdalyn Villareal 04:17:46 PM 05-03-2024
Wipes the face and arms Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:43:55 PM 05-03-2024
Suction Rt Emdalyn Villareal 03:43:41 PM 05-03-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:03:16 PM 05-03-2024
Feeding change Done Emdalyn Villareal 03:03:04 PM 05-03-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT Done Emdalyn Villareal 01:59:30 PM 05-03-2024
Blood extraction 1:13pm Emdalyn Villareal 01:59:15 PM 05-03-2024
Feeding change Done Arya Abhi 12:31:58 PM 05-03-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 12:31:45 PM 05-03-2024
Dr.shadha rounds finish Done Arya Abhi 11:17:46 AM 05-03-2024
Feeding started at 10 am Done Arya Abhi 10:57:14 AM 05-03-2024
Qusai is having Hypo tension Dr.sayed advised to start normal saline Given Arya Abhi 10:56:51 AM 05-03-2024
Ametidine Given Arya Abhi 10:02:51 AM 05-03-2024
Position Change Done Arya Abhi 09:45:25 AM 05-03-2024
Eye drops Given Arya Abhi 08:56:53 AM 05-03-2024
Eye drops Given Arya Abhi 08:27:46 AM 05-03-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 08:27:10 AM 05-03-2024
10ml flush given At 7am Arya Abhi 08:26:59 AM 05-03-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 08:24:42 AM 05-03-2024
CBG done Done Arya Abhi 06:27:43 AM 05-03-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 06:27:31 AM 05-03-2024
ONC medicine (onco 💊)+20 ml flush given Given at 6am Arya Abhi 06:27:21 AM 05-03-2024