Tasks Report

Patient Details:

Patient Name: Qusai Abukhater

Patient DOB: 19/09/2011

Patient Age: 12 Years and 5 Months

Patient Father Contact No. : +966509699231

Data Entries
Details Notes Nurse Date Time
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 08:14:23 AM 17-02-2024
Today 5th day cpap contionus on going No destat and no tachypenic everything good Arya Abhi 07:26:08 AM 17-02-2024
CBG value at 6am. :=PH:.412. ;,pco2: 48.5;, po2:44.2 Value at 6am Arya Abhi 07:14:14 AM 17-02-2024
CBG done Done Arya Abhi 07:10:22 AM 17-02-2024
Acetylcystein Nebulization Given 6am Arya Abhi 06:04:24 AM 17-02-2024
Eyedrops Given 6am Arya Abhi 06:04:07 AM 17-02-2024
Meropenam 2gm TID Given 6am Arya Abhi 06:03:18 AM 17-02-2024
PPOTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10 MML/BID/GT TUPE DOSE 2 Given 6am Arya Abhi 06:03:07 AM 17-02-2024
OMEPRAZOLE 20MG40/MG/ONCE DAY Given 6am Arya Abhi 06:02:55 AM 17-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT 1 5 am Done Arya Abhi 05:19:47 AM 17-02-2024
Qusai is 😴 sleeping 😴 💤 Now Arya Abhi 05:19:22 AM 17-02-2024
Suction Done Arya Abhi 04:25:01 AM 17-02-2024
Position Change Done Arya Abhi 04:24:41 AM 17-02-2024
Sodium chloride nebulization Given Arya Abhi 04:24:25 AM 17-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Arya Abhi 04:24:13 AM 17-02-2024
Eye drops Done Arya Abhi 04:23:57 AM 17-02-2024
Weakup 10:30 PM to 4:00 AM Still weakup Arya Abhi 04:01:05 AM 17-02-2024
Oral suction Done Arya Abhi 02:26:37 AM 17-02-2024
Eye drops Given Arya Abhi 02:23:47 AM 17-02-2024
PHYSICAL TREATMENT Done Emdalyn Villareal 12:19:54 AM 17-02-2024
Feeding diet Done10:30pm Emdalyn Villareal 12:19:04 AM 17-02-2024
Clean the bed and surrounding Done Emdalyn Villareal 12:18:33 AM 17-02-2024
Bed making Done Emdalyn Villareal 12:18:19 AM 17-02-2024
Suction Done Emdalyn Villareal 12:18:07 AM 17-02-2024
Change position Done Emdalyn Villareal 12:17:51 AM 17-02-2024