Tasks Report

Patient Details:

Patient Name: Qusai Abukhater

Patient DOB: 19/09/2011

Patient Age: 12 Years and 5 Months

Patient Father Contact No. : +966509699231

Data Entries
Details Notes Nurse Date Time
Morphine Given tru iv Emdalyn Villareal 08:27:13 PM 07-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Emdalyn Villareal 08:17:29 PM 07-02-2024
Eye drops Given 8pm Emdalyn Villareal 08:11:05 PM 07-02-2024
Wipes the face Wipes the face Emdalyn Villareal 07:29:47 PM 07-02-2024
Cpap Start @7pm Emdalyn Villareal 07:03:40 PM 07-02-2024
PHYSICAL therapy Exercise done Emdalyn Villareal 06:58:45 PM 07-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Emdalyn Villareal 06:43:04 PM 07-02-2024
Acetylcystein Nebulization Nebulization Emdalyn Villareal 06:22:01 PM 07-02-2024
Lasix 20mg Given tru injection Emdalyn Villareal 06:21:29 PM 07-02-2024
Movicol Given tru GT Emdalyn Villareal 06:20:51 PM 07-02-2024
Eye drops Given@6:17pm Emdalyn Villareal 06:17:36 PM 07-02-2024
Change position Done@6:16pm Emdalyn Villareal 06:17:05 PM 07-02-2024
Wipes the face I wipes his face Emdalyn Villareal 05:48:47 PM 07-02-2024
Suction Suction done Emdalyn Villareal 05:46:43 PM 07-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Emdalyn Villareal 05:17:07 PM 07-02-2024
Tracheostomy tube holder change Clean and change the holder Emdalyn Villareal 04:39:02 PM 07-02-2024
Clean the face Cean the face Emdalyn Villareal 04:37:56 PM 07-02-2024
Eye drop Given 4:30 Emdalyn Villareal 04:36:50 PM 07-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Emdalyn Villareal 04:05:47 PM 07-02-2024
Feeding Feeding changing Emdalyn Villareal 03:37:08 PM 07-02-2024
Wipes the face and arms To avoid high temperature Emdalyn Villareal 03:05:22 PM 07-02-2024
Meropenem Given @2pm Emdalyn Villareal 02:27:47 PM 07-02-2024
Morphine Given2pm Emdalyn Villareal 02:26:25 PM 07-02-2024
Potassium chloride Given2pm Emdalyn Villareal 02:25:26 PM 07-02-2024
Jamieson magnesium Given 2pm Emdalyn Villareal 02:24:09 PM 07-02-2024